Buy My Chicken Faming book
My chicken farming book covers a lot of chicken farming topics from:
- Free range chicken farming , Organic chicken farming and Cagged Chicken farming
- Tools that are needed on a chicken farm
- Broilers and Layers.
- Chicken feed types
- Chicken houses requirements
- Chicken common diseases
- Most common chicken breeds
- View more details
Free Chicken Farming E-books
Laws and duties in south africa for keeping these Animals :
- Poultry
- Cattle
- Kennels
- Pigs
- Goats
- Sheeps
This book tasks about external parasites and how to control those parasites. read the chicken farming book here download chicken farming here
Disease prevention in chickens. The book below will tell you:
- How to prevent chicken diseases.
- List of animals that carries diseases
- How to apply chicken vaccine
- Chicken house manangement
This is a free book from South african government, it covers layers and broilers, some of the topics tha are covered on the book include :
- Broiler (chickens for meat) industry statistic in south africa.
- The egg (layers) industry statistic in south africa.
- Legislation in the poultry industry
- The selling tips of chickens
- Information on starting a chicken farming business
- Marketing, distribution channells
- Challenges and opportunities in chicken farming business
- Business Plan outline
This is another free book from south africa government that covers markert thrends on egg selling in south africa and africa. The book covers the market value chain. The book will teach you on egg consumption over the years, the market , pricess , the import and export of eggs. Share analysis of eggs, across provinces and big cities and small cities. More covered on the book: gradding eggs (sizes, weights of eggs), DIFFERENTIATING EGGS (free range eggs, commercial eggs, etc)
read the farming book here ->> Download Egg Ebook
The book below covers most of the challanges that are faced by the Poultry industry in South Africa.
read the farming book here ->> Download Challenges faced by SA Poultry Ebook
How competitive is the south african poultry industry? that question will be answered by the book below. The book evaluates the South African Broiler value chain.
- The book covers the broiler production costs (including feed costs, housing and more)
- Competition factors of the broiler industry
- South African broiler consumption statistics
- Chicken production, consumption and profitability
read the farming book here ->> Download Ebook