Mabebeza into efakwa ebhakedeni ikhule abantu bayisefe bayiphuze, kuthiwa uma uyiphuze ungayisefanga uyafa ngoba iyakhula esiswini, lento kuthiwa uyisikelwa omunye umuntu, abantu abisebenzisela ukuba nemali, nokubamba amadoda abo.
Umabebeza is iskhwehlela so lwandle, i am not sure if its the same thing with Kombucha tea, but iskhwehlela solwandle (Mabebeza) is usually found on the sea banks early in the mornings. It is transparent and jelly like thing, it can not survive without liquid. If you take it out of the liquid, it fades away. Sometimes it may look like ice , People and Zangoma in South Africa collect it and feed it with tea , they put it in a dark place, then it grows, You can split it and give it someone else as it grows very larger and does not seem to stop growing. It can live in a 20 litre bucket for 5 to 10 years, you just need to keep changing the water and clean umabebeza. When it grows very big you must deposit some of it in the river or give it to the friends, We asked people on our facebook group, what is the rule about throwing it away?, they say that you must tell it that you are giving it away, since it is a living organism , throwing it without telling it first will bring a bad lucky. Ngabe isikhwehlela isona lesi esibizwa ngomamlambo inyoka yabafazi? Umlamlambo vs umabhebeza ngabe yinto eyodwa? Cha akuyiso into eyodwa, isikhwehlela solwandle kasifani no mamlambo inyoka.
what are the benefits of Umabebeza ? mabebeza grows in layers and the more it grows the more your business grow. You must mix it with other stuffs for wealthy it is awesome when it is fine mix with those stuffs like isiwasho it do wonders. It is good for dingaka or healers and you need to be secretive about it because if you tell people it shrink no longer active. It is used for being rich as well as lucky charm. On how it is used for being rich and as a love potion it is not clear but we are promising to update the page as soon as we findout.
Is uMabebeza the same as Kombucha tea . Is umabebeza a plant or an animal? There is a believe in south africa that uMabebeza and Kumbucha is the same thing, is a kumbucha a living organisms? What is a kombucha, a kombucha is "tea of immortality" that is a probiotic drink with too much sugar content but very healthy. it has live bacterias. Read more about Kombucha tea We had to ask people on our facebook group to findout. The responces are shown below.
We failed to find someone who became rich because of umabebeza, we failed to find someone who has used it as a love potion, whether mabebeza works or not, we do not know, remember to speak to your doctor before trying an African muthi.
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